Let’s start with the most obvious: Combat AI in action games has not improved within the last ten years. Of all the game design aspects we discuss in this article, this is the most important one.

But many aspects of game design, some of the most important ones even, have either not improved or have gotten worse compared to games from 10-15 years ago, believe it or not, and these are the things we discuss starting on the next page. Scale (the size of game worlds/levels) is something that also continues to increase, although the artistic aspects of level design as well as attention to detail aren’t so quick to improve. Some areas of technical graphics fidelity, namely shaders and textures, combine to make what is probably the only area of game design that improves constantly, generally at a fairly steady and predictable rate. Today, we will look at the various areas of game design that are stuck in the past and not where they should be. That article examines hardware industries relevant to PC gaming. Recently we wrote about computer hardware industries stuck in the stone age.